Fu-Li Li 李福利 Director, Professor Quantum Optics, Quantum Information Phone: 86-29-82668118 Room: 仲英楼B811;211 Email: flli@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Hong Gao 高宏 Professor Quantum optics, cold atom physics Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B859;211 Email: honggao@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Guang-Liang Li 李广良 Professor Quantum integrable system Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B703 Email: leegl@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Shao-Yan Gao 高韶燕 Professor quantum optics, Plasmonics in Nanostructures Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B719 Email: gaosy@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Hong-Rong Li 李宏荣 Professor Quantum Optics and Quantum Biology Phone: 86-29-82668553 Room: 仲英楼B851 Email: hrli@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Peng-bo Li 李蓬勃 Professor quantum optics and quantum information, cavity QED Phone: 86-29-82663395 Room: 仲英楼B706 Email: lipengbo@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Bo Liu 刘博 Professor Cold gases, Topological states Phone: 86-29-82663714 Room: 仲英楼B822 Email: liubophy@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Tao Bo 卜涛 Associate Professor photonic crystals, metamaterials Phone: 86-29-82655316 Room: 仲英楼B701 Email: botao@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Pei Zhang 张沛 Associate Professor Quantum Optics, Quantum Information Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B837 Email: zhang.pei@stu.xjtu.edu.cn |

He-Feng Wang 王鹤峰 Associate Professor Quantum computation, quantum algorithm and quantum simulation Phone: Room: 仲英楼B861 Email:wanghf@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Sheng-Chang Li 栗生长 Associate Professor Bose-Einstein Condensation, Nonlinear Physics Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B861 Email: scli@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Chen-Wei Jiang 蒋臣威 Associate Professor Ultrafast Laser Pulse, Photophysics and Photochemistry Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B39 Email: jiangcw@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Dong Wei 卫栋 Associate Professor quantum optics, Ultracold atoms, Interaction between light and atoms Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B721 Email:weidong@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Di Zhao 赵迪 Associate Professor high harmonic generation, Frequency comb Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B39 Email: zhaodifrog@gmail.com |

Ai-Ping Fang 方爱平 Associate Professor Quantum Optics, Interaction between light and atoms Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B701 Email: apfang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Wei-Dong Tang 汤卫东 Lecturer Quantum Information, Quantum Physics. Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B837 Email: wdtang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Yu Zhou 周宇 Lecturer Quantum Optics, Quantum Image Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B831 Email: zhou1@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Wen-Hui Wang 王文慧 Lecturer Plasmonics, Nanophotonics Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B803 Email:w.wang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Rui-Zheng Hou 侯瑞征 Lecturer Thermodynamics and Mechanics of Molecular Motors Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B803 Email: houruizheng@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Rui-feng Liu 刘瑞丰 Lecturer Quantum Optics, Quantum Information Phone: Room: 仲英楼B839 Email: liuruifenggh@126.com |

Ming-tao Cao 曹明涛 Lecturer Quantum memory, four wave mixing Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B831 Email: caomingtao1987@163.com |

Jun Feng 冯俊 Lecturer Quantum information, Quantum Gravity Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B839 Email:j.feng@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |

Sheng-Li Ma 马胜利 Lecturer Cavity QED and Optomechanics Phone: 86-29- Room: 仲英楼B845 Email: mslhewj@stu.xjtu.edu.cn |